Check your Site with Unlight­house



How is it working?

I rely on Unlighthouse, a tool with which you can scan every page of a website with Google Lighthouse .

I run the scans in a docker container with a custom image.

Why is it free?

For now this is free to use for a handful of individuals who act as a testing group of the tool. If the testing phase is finished and there is demand for unlighthouse-online I will think about releasing it to the general public.

If you are interested in getting access to Unlighthouse Online feel free to request access .

How to get access?

At the moment this is in Alpha. That means I am testing the app with a few people. I am currently looking for testers .

If you are interested in getting access to Unlighthouse Online feel free to request access .

Is this tool for me?

This tool is designed for individuals and small teams who just need a simple tool for scanning a site without much configuration.

Unlighthouse Online is currently in Alpha and I am not sure how the project is continuing from now on. I am thinking about making the tool more configurable. Also if you are interested in an enterprise solution please feel free to reach out .

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Unlighthouse Online - A tool to scan your whole site with Google Lighthouse online | Product Hunt